Thursday, February 7, 2008

Life in Bang-Saen

So, here once again, I sit at my computer typing away. I am not sure of how much internet access I will be able to have when I am in Lopburi so I thought I would write another blog from Bang-Saen before the weekend is reached. Lots of thinking and contemplating has occured this week. I've really been enjoying subsitute teaching for Conner. He's 7 and so much fun to teach, so incredibly responsive to whatever we talk about-whatever questions that arise. He really thinks about it and has a lot going on in his head-very smart! Anyways, I've also had the chance to hang out with the younger kids, Isaac and Aree (Ricky's daughter) a bit too. They are really fun as well and seem to enjoy whatever life brings, whether it means swinging in a swing or eating mango. Both take life whole-heartedly by the hand.

This is Connor and Pete (one of his friends):


I've also had the chance to meet with Ricky a few times. That has been great-its cool because especially since I'm on my own, the missionaries here are making an extra effort to make me feel welcome which I really appreciate. I've covered orientation with Ricky over the last few days, some basic legistical information and some more life questions as well. I'm on his "list" for who he's keeping track of as potential long-term missions candidates. :-) Its definately something I'm praying about. I know the answer won't neccesarily come right away but I am praying and thinking and asking God what he wants me to do. I'm learning what it means to be open and what it really means to live open-handed and open-hearted. I have a feeling God is going to teach me a lot while I am here.....

I had the chance to go to the beach yesterday-that was amazing fun. I spent a lot of time sitting and just being. Looking at the waves is so relaxing--and such a beautiful way to hang out with God.



As I was journaling, at one point, I looked up only to find a little Thai girl standing about 2 feet away from me-just staring at the farlang. It made me smile--which proceeded to make her nervous and she walked away. So cute though and such big solomn brown eyes. Its amazing though how much a simple smile can change an atmosphere. I find that if I smile, often people will smile back instead of just staring. Simple-but it works. I feel as though I am learning what it means to process and what it means to just be in God's presence. Its a good thing.


The Certains said...

Oh, Melody, thanks for the updates. Connor's family are good friends of ours! We stayed in Angsila also, with Ping, please give her a hug for us :) Please say hello to Nit also, we made lasagne together at Christmas!

JHNickodemus said...

Melody- Looks like youre having an amazing adventure, and God is doing big things in your life! Ill be sure to pass this link on to Jenny!