Monday, February 4, 2008

So, once again I begin to write. Its almost as if I have this need to write, this need to share, this need to help you be a part of my journey with me. I got here safe and sound on Saturday evening, or rather very early Sunday morning (around 1am) and made it to Baang Saen via a taxi that the Sanchez's had booked for me. Riding home to Chonburi, I remember thinking that I would just fall asleep and wake up and Thailand would all be a dream--yet its not. and it feels so wonderful to be back. Sometimes I think we know when we are where we are supposed to be-and I think thailand is that place for me right now.

Sunday was a fairly quiet day-sleeping in, reading and then hanging out with some of the missionary kids. Sunday service at TLC is at 4pm but the missionary families usually come early to prep and everything and thier kids just hang out and play. Well, I really am just a big kid and it was a lot of fun just to sit and hang out with the kids for the afternoon. I'm so comfortable around them and it feels so natural. Sometimes when I'm with adults I can get tongue tied or withdraw into myself a bit but with kids, I'm just me. :-) I have a sense I'm going to be learning a lot about myself over these next few months....

After service, we all ate dinner together and conversated (I know its not a true word but such a fun one to create) over spicy and yummy rice and other sundry Thai foods. good! I was invited out by the Trek team (a team of four girls who are here as missionaries for about 8 months) to Swensen's and had a grand time with them. It was nice to be included and also lovely to feel a part of something bigger than just me. I think that is one of the biggest differences I'm noticing between now and last time-its different being on my own than with a team and rather different to visit all my old "haunts" without my team mates along.

Today I also had the chance to hang out with team. This morning I was on my own-had a bit of coffee at Colette's down the street and journaled for a while before meeting everyone at the church for lunch. After a scrumptious meal, I toured Ansila (a nearby city where two of the Trek girls live and help serve especially with the Promise Church, a church plant of TLC) with the trek team and thier leaders, went to Colette's again as we talked and then out to the evening market for dinner. Its been quite pleasent-though I am a bit tired now.

Tomorrow, I get the chance to work with Conner Owen (one of the Team 2000 families) on his homeschooling. I've connected a bit with Carmen, his mom, while I've been here and she asked if I could oversee his schooling in the mornings this week since they will be in meetings the majority of the week. I also might get to hang out with the little kids in the afternoon whcih would be loads of fun. And supposed to meet with Ricky somewhere in there to get a bit more of what I'll be doing this week. I'm glad I can be of service-even if its just providing someone to hang out with the kids. Its nice to be wanted for something like that....

I'm sure I will write more soon! take care and God bless.


Christa said...

Melody, it's so great to hear what you're up to. We miss you here, but remember you in our prayers. Keep the updates coming!

Jamie said...

Hey, I found your blog! So glad to hear you made it safely and are doing is so amazing to be able to talk to you like this! I've been praying for you so much over the past few weeks...looking forward to checking here often to hear updates!

Randy, Jamie, Audrey, Isaac, and Violet