Tuesday, February 12, 2008

my red bike

So, I am in Lopburi and a couple of days in on teaching Jason. So far, so good. :-) We arrived in Lopburi on Sunday evening around 4pm. I spent that night at the Davis's-hanging out with Faa, Reg, and some of thier friends for dinner and then a movie at the Davis's afterwards. Its been really wonderful to have my friend Faa with me this last weekend-there were a few times where I was really missing my family and it really helped to have a friend/sister around.

Monday morning I spent time talking with my family and Josh! :-) That was really really wonderful and gave me a taste of home. I'd been struggling with missing people a lot last week, especially over the weekend and was beginning to wonder how I would make it. Its amazing how much difference a phone conversation can make even if you are homesick. that afternoon we spent time touring Lopburi. Bob and Chris (with Jason) took me around the city in thier blue sawng-tauw (sorry, butchered the spelling on that). We went to old Lopburi, to the Tezban area and saw the monkey temple. That temple was just crawling with monkeys--everywhere! it was amazing to see how much the people fed them, tourists and Thai's alike. For a reason unbeknownst to me, the Thai people believe monkeys can be considered holy and by feeding them they are committing a good deed and thus farther along thier path to The Way (as in the Buddisht truth). After some lunch, I was able to go and get settled at Shiloh, my home a few blocks away from the Davis's, for at least a month. I might be moving in with a few other girls later in my time here, but we'll see. It helped me a lot to truly unpack and put up my few home belongings to truly make this room a space in which I can dream.

Dinner at the Davis's and then an evening of Phase 10 with Reg, Faa, and a lot of the other LLC students who are around my age. It made for a fun end to the day! Tuesday began the work week and so far I'm still getting to know Jason, but I think its going to work out really well. He is an avid reader and really loves history and Greek mythology so the books I brought for him will come in great use! today was a bit of a harder day for him to focus, but we were still able to get everything accomplsihed by noon which was really good. If anyone has any art, music, or creative teaching ideas that they would like to share I would love to hear them! If I can, I would like to get past just doing the work, and find some creative outlets which he really enjoys...writing is something that he struggles with and somethin I would love to see him grow in....definately open to ideas.

Bob and Chris have given me a bike for my time here, so I am currently sitting at an internet cafe avidly typing away and very proud of myself for having biked to the stationary store, 7-11 and then back here before heading back home....or possibly to do more exploring. I love having a bike-its somewhat freeing and also a really fun way to get around! It is red and has a basket in the front....I should come up with a name for it.

I am really enjoying having time to process life here-I am realizing that this trip will definatly be different than my last one in that I am coming more as support for Bob and Chris. I'm hoping to get involved with the local church on Sundays for sunday school, but we will just have to see. I might be teaching English a couple of nights a week which could be loads of fun. Definately still pryaing about that. but all in all, its been a good experience. yes I have been homesick and have no doubt that will continue in its ups and downs yet I am learning so much about what it means to rely on God as well. I feel like God is stretching me to think in new ways and I am trying to learn what it means to live with open hands.

This is something I wrote last night and wanted to share:

thoughts seem to dance
in mind
like echoes of Chopin's nocturne
waltzing through this journey


heart seems to grow
in love
in truth
set free
from busyness worry consumption
of overcrowded, overwhelemd, overstimulated socieety

to pierce

A little something I was pondering about and wanted to share with you. I would say that this is definately a growing time for me and I am excited to see how I can serve and what God is going to do.


Jamie said...

Sounds like you're having quite an adventure already. I will be praying for your "homesickness". As far as creative ideas...Christa and I will get right on that. I have TONS, but want to run them by her since she's more familiar with 3/4 grade curriculum. Will e-mail soon.

James said...

What about 'Fred'. I think that should be the name of the bike. I had a pastor friend who had a sail boat named Fred which came to symbolize his journey with God. He wrote and journaled about his sailing expeditions on Fred and how they paralleled his spiritual walk.

James Bergen

Melody said...

Fred...I think I like it. :)

Jeff C said...

To me, the bicycle is a wonderful symbol of freedom, but I don't think Fred is a good choice. Really, anything but Fred. It's kind of the bike-slang name for poser or wanna-be. Here is the official guide to naming your bike from one of the greatest cycling blogs:
Thanks for taking this seriously!

Melody said...

I'm still contemplating very seriously about what I want to name the bike....

I'm thinking perhaps a word that will describe my journey here--I want a name that will mean something.