Thursday, July 12, 2007

Saulations from Thailand

Hello everyone. I know its been a while since I used this blog, but I thought it might be a good way to keep in touch with everyone over my missions trip to Thailand! So far, the first few days have been very full but wonderful. We "lost" a day due to our travel, so I feel about a day off and keep thinking today should be Wednesday instead of Thursday, but I'm getting used to it bit by bit.

Currently, I'm typing from an internet cafe in Chonburi, just down the street from TLC, the Life Center, which is the church where we are staying for the first few days. We've already had a few very busy days of ministry and it looks like most days will be full, but I'm looking forward to it! Yesterday, in the morning, we helped to clean at ALH (the abundant life home, the boys' orphanage) in the morning and in the afternoon got the chance to teach English at a local elementary school with the Power girls, a team of 3 girls from Canada who are here for the summer. Even though we were just "assisting" I still had so much fun. We sang songs, helped them with their work sheets, and when it was time to say good-bye, we were swarmed with kids who just wanted to hug us so much. It was like they couldn't get enough. They kept waving as long as they could-and smiling, always smiling. My heart really goes out these kids, though I can't exactly explain why. I think I might want to come back and spend more time with these kids.

Yesterday afternoon we ran a sports camp, which we'll also be doing on Friday. My friend Desiree and I taught the basketball portion. I know, me the non-athletic girl teaching basket ball. It was a lot of fun. :-) We taught the kids how to dribble, pass and played a few games. One girl in particular was having a hard time shooting so I took time to teach her. I think I will always remember the look on her face when she shot and made the basket for the first time. Her face lit up and her eyes sparkled as she smiled.

Today, we helped to level the foundation for a playground at another elementary school in Ansuila, another city not to far from here. At recess, we were able to take a break to play with the kids which was a lot of fun! :) I attempted to join in in one of their jump-rope games, which they were thoroughly excited about, taught them limbo and hand games! I had one little boy who kept coming back for more and more of the same hand game. He liked it so much-I hope he teaches it to some of his friends. Tomorrow evening, we leave for Chang Rai on a sleeper train, where we will get the chance to teach English in the local Khmu village, where another church is being planted by team 2000. I'm looking forward to it and have a feeling I'll be stretched in many different ways! Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming, and I hope to have time to process but I'm sure that will work out as it needs to.

Its so green here-I love it and its hot and humid, but we're getting used to it. There is so much to take in every day but I love it and I can't wait to see what is going to happen next.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Mel, I'm glad you're having such a good time !! I've been praying for you & your team. Take Care!! ~ Jules

Unknown said...

By the way, I forgot to tell you, I didn't get the job at the paper. However, they have offered me the chance to freelance for them. So, ... we'll see where that goes. Love & miss ya !!!!!!